Digital Courses

For coaches & services providers who want to make 6 figures and beyond the Anti-Hustle way

Anti-Hustle Business Offerings with Shannon Whaley

Check out the courses below that include different training videos for you to dive into right now.

Ready to set yourself up for success when it comes to mindset, sales and content creation?


Step into the world of the "Content Creation Toolkit" bundle, a comprehensive toolkit designed to enhance your marketing skills and streamline your content strategy. This bundle offers practical, straightforward lessons that will transform the way you approach content creation.

Learn to captivate your audience with diverse content types, organize your material for efficient launches, and master the art of building an effective content calendar. Each module is crafted to boost your productivity and creativity in content marketing.

The Content Creation Toolkit:


  • How to Organize Your Content So That You Stop Reinventing the Wheel Every Launch (39 minutes)

  • How to Make Content Creation Easier (39 minutes)

  • How to Quickly (and easily) Create a Monthly Content Calendar (43 minutes)

  • 2 Weeks of Promo Event Launch Prompts

  • 4 Weeks of Launch Prompts

  • CTA Workbook: Taking the Guesswork Out of This For You!


Ready to get hired, sell out your next program, and next level what's possible? The "BOOKED OUT" bundle, a power-packed resource designed for those ready to revolutionize their sales approach. This bundle isn't just a course; it's a transformational journey through the art of selling with authenticity and confidence.

From mastering the nuances of booking discovery calls in 41 minutes to understanding the dynamics of handling objections on a sales call in 36 minutes, each module is meticulously curated to elevate your sales skills. 

This bundle is your guide to not just achieving, but exceeding $10k cash months with confidence, backed by the wisdom of real-world success. Embrace these insights and watch your income skyrocket with strategies that respect your values and your client's needs.

BOOKED OUT Sales Course


  • 5 Ways to Book Discovery Calls (41 minutes)

  • You've Booked a Discovery Call! Now What? (31 minutes)

  • How to Handle Objections on a Sales Call (36 minutes)

  • 15 Ways to Get Hired NOW (54 minutes)

  • Why I Recommend Starting with 1:1 Coaching When You're First Starting Out (53 minutes)

  • 3 Ways Payment Plans Will Skyrocket Your Income (31 minutes)


get access for $97 


Step into the world of the Mindset + Embodiment Bundle, designed to align your thoughts and actions for significant impact in your business. 

 Understand the crucial role of mindset in your business visibility and marketing, and learn to regulate your body and mind while setting ambitious goals. Discover key strategies to avoid common pitfalls that slow business growth and gain insights into the ten mindset shifts that pave the way to consistent five-figure months.

This bundle is your toolkit for mastering the mental and physical aspects of running a successful business.

The Mindset & Embodiment Bundle:


  • Mindset + Embodiment

  • Mindset + Embodiment Workbook

  • How to Journal to Rapidly Shift Your Mindset

  • Why Mindset Will Make or Break Your Visibility and Marketing

  • How to Regulate Your Body and Mind When You're Setting BIG Goals

  • The #1 Way I See Coaches Slowing Their Business Growth (and what to do about it)

  • 10 Mindset Shifts It Took to Get to 5 Figure Months

Get Access for $47 

Transform your business with our Ultimate Business Mastery Bundle, a comprehensive collection of three pivotal courses: "Become a Content Creation Machine", "Sell with Integrity", and "Mindset + Embodiment".


1. The Content Creation Toolkit:

Dive into the realm of content creation, where you'll learn to harness a variety of content types, organize your marketing efforts efficiently, and create a dynamic content calendar. This course is crafted to enhance your digital presence and streamline your marketing strategies.


Revolutionize your sales approach with this course, focusing on  effective sales strategies. Gain insights on booking discovery calls, handling sales objections, and transitioning from hourly rates to value-packed packages. This course offers practical advice for achieving sales success with integrity.

3. Mindset + Embodiment:

Discover the power of aligning your mindset with your business goals. This course delves into the importance of mindset in marketing and business growth, offers strategies for managing stress and maintaining focus while pursuing big goals, and reveals the mindset shifts necessary for achieving significant financial milestones.

This bundle is not just a trio of courses; it's a complete approach to mastering the nuances of business.

Whether it’s elevating your content creation, refining your sales techniques, or strengthening your mindset for business growth, this bundle provides the essential tools and insights for a thriving and impactful business journey.

GET ALL 3 courseS NOW!

Ultimate Business Mastery Bundle:
Content, Sales, and Mindset.
Normally $241 for all 3 bundles... 

on sale for $199

I'm Shannon Whaley

Anti-hustle business coaching isn’t just about sipping Fanta in the bathtub, making tiny hand cat videos, and magically manifesting your business into existence (although we'll definitely cover that!) It's about finding simple business strategies that work for your lifestyle and bandwidth. Our work together results in better communication, new levels of leadership, confidence, and freedom. We work through mindset beliefs and blocks to help you decondition from the hustle mentality that is so prevalent in the coaching industry and that is leaving you burnt out and broke. Together we will co-create a strategy and anti-hustle business plan for your business so that you can show up fully rested and resourced while serving more of your community and making more profit.

Curious? Let's run Wild



Wild One!

Shannon will hold your feet to the fire in a way that feels like you're going out dancing with a friend. She'll call you on your shit in a way that feels like laughing with your bestie and will remind you of things you already know without making you feel like an idiot. She will give you a completely new perspective on how much is possible in a way that you can no longer forget after she's said it.

Rowan Chamberlain

Before I started working with Shannon I was in a spiral with my business. I was doubting the whole process and kept thinking it just wasn't working. Since working with Shannon it has finally all clicked that all I needed to do was STOP overcomplicating things and START with having a simple strategy, be consistent with it, and prioritize my mindset & pleasure. So much has shifted for me since following Shannon’s guidance & methodology!

The thing I love most about working with Shannon is that she’s teaching you how to build a thriving business in the way that works for you, all the while keeping you accountable & reminding you that it gets to be easy 🙌🏼


Derek O'Shea

Before I started working with Shannon, I was struggling with implementing systems. I kept duplicating my work at every turn and knew I needed to do something about it. I was already in Shannon’s group and her free resources were valuable. What I loved most about her is how authentic she is, and I always knew that I’d work with her some day.

During our time together,  I learned to stop doubting myself and my skills. I started trusting myself at a deeper level and found evidence that everything is working. I put more systems in place in my business so I can set it and forget it, and have better boundaries around my time. 

I worked less and made more money. When we started working together I was charging $40/session and now my packages are $500/mo. and will be doubling in the new year!

Gina Miller

Shannon will hold your feet to the fire in a way that feels like you're going out dancing with a friend. She'll call you on your shit in a way that feels like laughing with your bestie and will remind you of things you already know without making you feel like an idiot. She will give you a completely new perspective on how much is possible in a way that you can no longer forget after she's said it.

Rowan Chamberlain

Before I started working with Shannon I was in a spiral with my business. I was doubting the whole process and kept thinking it just wasn't working. Since working with Shannon it has finally all clicked that all I needed to do was STOP overcomplicating things and START with having a simple strategy, be consistent with it, and prioritize my mindset & pleasure. So much has shifted for me since following Shannon’s guidance & methodology!

The thing I love most about working with Shannon is that she’s teaching you how to build a thriving business in the way that works for you, all the while keeping you accountable & reminding you that it gets to be easy 🙌🏼


Derek O' Shae

Before I started working with Shannon, I was struggling with implementing systems. I kept duplicating my work at every turn and knew I needed to do something about it. I was already in Shannon’s group and her free resources were valuable. What I loved most about her is how authentic she is, and I always knew that I’d work with her some day.

During our time together, I learned to stop doubting myself and my skills. I started trusting myself at a deeper level and found evidence that everything is working. I put more systems in place in my business so I can set it and forget it, and have better boundaries around my time.

I worked less and made more money. When we started working together I was charging $40/session and now my packages are $500/mo. and will be doubling in the new year!

Gina Miller